April 30th - its now Sunday at 1.17am my time
Not much is going on in my life at the moment - it was a normal Saturday - Colin went to golf this morning and I watched a couple of movies - Aviator - wasnt bad- It made me sad though that Howard Hughes was so obviously suffering a Mental Illness and instead of getting him help they seem more worried about keeping the world from knowing - it reminded of O.C.D. poor man all that money but he was still a very sick man and his minders although doing what they thought was the best for him and his businesses and all his money didnt really help the man.- All that money and I wouldnt have swapped a moment of my life for his.
Then I decided to do some tidying up of my books and magazines and then it was time to go to Mass with Dad - he was very breathless tonight and has admitted its time for him to go onto Oxygen - Dad suffers from Emphysema (among other things) He used to smoke 60 cigarettes a day - Unreal!! On my worst day I have never ever gone over 30 ciggies a day and that was mostly if we went out and I would be smoking more then.
Its raining here and its heavy rain again - we really need this rain so it is good to hear it falling onto my roof. I have been doing some more embroidery on Tonis hearts - I have finished the black one and most comments are favourable, and I am now stitching on her Wild Block - I am doing spider roses but in Black this time- her black heart has orange roses on it and this wild block is a combination of oranges and pinks and a "hoffman piece of material that picks up the colours I have used - It should be finished tomorrow and I can show it on my flickr account and here as well. I am ready to go to my bed- oh its going to be lovely in bed and listening to the rain falling on the roof
well its good night from me and its good night from him
Nighty night Caitlin Skye - I wonder petal if you will ever read your Nans blog - unfortunately probably not - she doesnt know her Nana as bear - oh dear - Lord take care of Caitlin, her little half brother and her Mum - and take care of the rest of my tribeplease and all of my friends online qand in real life thank you.
embroidery, crazy quilting and beading help to soothe my savage heart. By stopping by I hope you find some pleasure in what I have been doing...........
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
April 25th April 2006
Well this is the 25th or April - its the day we celebrate the lives and deaths of all of our men and women who died in the wars Australians have been in. The day is called Anzaac day and was formed to remember the young Australians and New Zealanders Army's who died at Anzaac Cove Turkey during attacks during the 1st World war. There are no survivors left of that particular action- the last digger died earlier this year
to me it is a poignant day - I lost my fiance to the Vietnam War - he was only 20 years old and had been there for a short time when he was killed - he went to Vietnam as a Vietamese interpretor and served in the Australian armed Forces He was a "regular " soldier during this war the australian government had sanctioned conscription and many of these conmscripts went to Vietnam as well and many were injured and killed BUT all the Australians in Vietnam served with great honour. Rest peacefully Vic.
Lest we forget.
to me it is a poignant day - I lost my fiance to the Vietnam War - he was only 20 years old and had been there for a short time when he was killed - he went to Vietnam as a Vietamese interpretor and served in the Australian armed Forces He was a "regular " soldier during this war the australian government had sanctioned conscription and many of these conmscripts went to Vietnam as well and many were injured and killed BUT all the Australians in Vietnam served with great honour. Rest peacefully Vic.
Lest we forget.
Friday, April 21, 2006
My first hearts
the green heart is not completed yet - in fact I am working on it tonight and will publish when its completed the heart underneath the green heart is known by me as angel in her garden and this one is also not completed - hated the butterflies and also the fan so they were taken off tonight and I am also working on it.
The heart under the second heart is known as angel in her rose garden and this one is actually finished and lastly the mainly burgundy heart is also finished.
I am waiting on SherryDawn deciding which heart she would likethe last heart is known as the angels and roses is finished as well.Julia has also told me which one of two she would like. I am finally in the swing of making them and am going to be doing some more piecing over the weekend to begin making a few more hearts to swap with ladies who have decided they would like a heart swap with me!!
I also have got to sit down and do 2 paper dolls this weekend- I finally have worked out what I want to do with these paper dolls- I have Camilles and Marys sitting here waiting on me making them - I probably send them together to Sherry - and as Sherry has classes this weekend and also next week, this should work out well as the parcel should get to her in time for her return home from teaching- Boy I am so glad my paper Doll block has gone- now to actually make them- I will post them to my blog when they are ready to go off on their next journey - this one back over the big pond to America phew!!!

The heart under the second heart is known as angel in her rose garden and this one is actually finished and lastly the mainly burgundy heart is also finished.
I am waiting on SherryDawn deciding which heart she would likethe last heart is known as the angels and roses is finished as well.Julia has also told me which one of two she would like. I am finally in the swing of making them and am going to be doing some more piecing over the weekend to begin making a few more hearts to swap with ladies who have decided they would like a heart swap with me!!
I also have got to sit down and do 2 paper dolls this weekend- I finally have worked out what I want to do with these paper dolls- I have Camilles and Marys sitting here waiting on me making them - I probably send them together to Sherry - and as Sherry has classes this weekend and also next week, this should work out well as the parcel should get to her in time for her return home from teaching- Boy I am so glad my paper Doll block has gone- now to actually make them- I will post them to my blog when they are ready to go off on their next journey - this one back over the big pond to America phew!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Bears Embroidery Den
Bears hearts - of human and material
April 11th
Well its been a bit since I wrote on here - Not much has been happening - I went to my first Chrism Mass last night with my Dad- it was held at the Cathedral in Adelaide- what a beautiful church it is and the mass was absolutely beautiful- I had in my mind that it would be as any other mass but it wasnt - along with the blessing of the chrism oil, the catechumen oil and the Oil for the annointing of the sick - the priests also renewed their vows to the church and to their congregations. - The Inscense was burning all through the mass and the congrgation was huge - and all in all it may have been my first but I will go again - truely a wonderful experience.
Today is my Mums birthday she would have been 76 years old had we not lost her 2 yrs ago. I still miss her and probably will for the rest of my life. I am eternally grateful that in her last months here with us that Mum and I had finally found a way to enjoy being with each other. Dad finds it very hard to keep going on without her But the other day he said he intended to live for another 10 years - way to go Dad!!!
Well we are almost at another Easter and its the 3 one without our beautiful Caitlin Skye. why Caitlins Mum and her new Boyfriend have stopped allowing us to see her and share her life is beyond me- But Bec did know the way to hurt us all and this is the way.Bec had promised us - thats Colin and I - and Kirk that she would never ever stop Caitlin from sharing our lives- oooh deary me- that did last for 4 years - but we apparntly were not of any use to her And Mick anymore.They say that what goes round comes around- but I would not wish this on Bec and Mick for all the tea in China - every day it feels like our hearts are being ripped out of our bodies. We all just hope that one day Bec will wake up and ring us and again let Caitlin to come to her grandparents place again. Caitlin we love you to the ends of the earth. I wish you could find this blog and find us that way - I have been told that Caitlin could when she turns 10 years of age come to see us on her own violention - but she has probably forgotten her "other" grandparents by now - after all she was only 4 and 3/4s when last we saw her- the week before Xmas. How much will she remember of us - as I said before -probably not very much at all.
I have been making Hearts - I am on the Chain Of Hearts group (yahoo) it was originally an Australian/NZ group - but it has since been opened up to allow for all participants from ny country to join in. - the swaps are the shape of a6 inch heart - it can be crazy patched or just using one material piece whatever so long as the size is constant- I have had hearts made for me by Sherry Dawn- (USA) SherryDawn mademy heart in the colours of pink and burgundy - in rememberance of my darling Mum- who adored these colours!! There is the cutest birdhouse on the heart - another one of Mums (and mine) favourite things!!Thank you very much Sherry Dawn!
I also have a beautiful cream on cream CQ patched heart from Julia Cam- Julia has been published in many magazines- and her embroidery is always so beautifully put together and it will be one that I will treasure for many long years- thank you Julia, you have no idea how I have adored your embroidery from afar for several years now!!
I am also making a heart for Maureen Bond- some time back - actually a year or 2 or even 3 - Maureen sent me a cream on cream CQed heart wth one of her very special stumpwork creatures on it- I was lucky enough to receive a grasshopper - and he is wonderful!! I am also making a heart for her in return - But I forgot that Maureen is a lady who loves cream on cream and so I am going to patch some new hearts as soon as this lot are on their way, and I am not sure what to put on it- but hey thats normal - I pick up a needle and find a thread and thats how3 my embroidery grows- not very organised but it works for me!!
I am also making one for Rita B in the USA - Rita and I are new to each other so this one will be hopefully the start of a new friendship that will last many many years - Rita does beautiful stitching as well!!
There is also another heart on the go at the moment - and thats for my darling mate in Sale Victoria- dear dear Linda - who said in an throwaway line in one of her emails- that she would like one of mine so long as it was made of Silk ribbon embroidery - Lindas life is very full at the moment and I am hoping this surprise heart will help her to remember that there are folks out here in cyberland that love her heapsa!!! and we miss her soooooooooooo much!!
There is one more heart I would really love to have but I sent her an enmail and havent received a reply -but it was during the time when yahoo was ditching meoff the list daily and 2 x times daily and even more often so maybe Tone has not seen my request - Toni E - does the most amazing dragons hearts ever- I lubs dragons (and Pegasus, Unicorns, butterflies- BUT definately not never ever spiders!!) I hope I can get Toni to swap with me- I really would love to have one of her very very special dragon hearts!
well I guess this is enough for today - I hope I can learn how to put up photos on to my blog site soon so I will then be able to show my hearts that have been sent to me and the 0ones I have stitched and sent to their new homes.
April 11th
Well its been a bit since I wrote on here - Not much has been happening - I went to my first Chrism Mass last night with my Dad- it was held at the Cathedral in Adelaide- what a beautiful church it is and the mass was absolutely beautiful- I had in my mind that it would be as any other mass but it wasnt - along with the blessing of the chrism oil, the catechumen oil and the Oil for the annointing of the sick - the priests also renewed their vows to the church and to their congregations. - The Inscense was burning all through the mass and the congrgation was huge - and all in all it may have been my first but I will go again - truely a wonderful experience.
Today is my Mums birthday she would have been 76 years old had we not lost her 2 yrs ago. I still miss her and probably will for the rest of my life. I am eternally grateful that in her last months here with us that Mum and I had finally found a way to enjoy being with each other. Dad finds it very hard to keep going on without her But the other day he said he intended to live for another 10 years - way to go Dad!!!
Well we are almost at another Easter and its the 3 one without our beautiful Caitlin Skye. why Caitlins Mum and her new Boyfriend have stopped allowing us to see her and share her life is beyond me- But Bec did know the way to hurt us all and this is the way.Bec had promised us - thats Colin and I - and Kirk that she would never ever stop Caitlin from sharing our lives- oooh deary me- that did last for 4 years - but we apparntly were not of any use to her And Mick anymore.They say that what goes round comes around- but I would not wish this on Bec and Mick for all the tea in China - every day it feels like our hearts are being ripped out of our bodies. We all just hope that one day Bec will wake up and ring us and again let Caitlin to come to her grandparents place again. Caitlin we love you to the ends of the earth. I wish you could find this blog and find us that way - I have been told that Caitlin could when she turns 10 years of age come to see us on her own violention - but she has probably forgotten her "other" grandparents by now - after all she was only 4 and 3/4s when last we saw her- the week before Xmas. How much will she remember of us - as I said before -probably not very much at all.
I have been making Hearts - I am on the Chain Of Hearts group (yahoo) it was originally an Australian/NZ group - but it has since been opened up to allow for all participants from ny country to join in. - the swaps are the shape of a6 inch heart - it can be crazy patched or just using one material piece whatever so long as the size is constant- I have had hearts made for me by Sherry Dawn- (USA) SherryDawn mademy heart in the colours of pink and burgundy - in rememberance of my darling Mum- who adored these colours!! There is the cutest birdhouse on the heart - another one of Mums (and mine) favourite things!!Thank you very much Sherry Dawn!
I also have a beautiful cream on cream CQ patched heart from Julia Cam- Julia has been published in many magazines- and her embroidery is always so beautifully put together and it will be one that I will treasure for many long years- thank you Julia, you have no idea how I have adored your embroidery from afar for several years now!!
I am also making a heart for Maureen Bond- some time back - actually a year or 2 or even 3 - Maureen sent me a cream on cream CQed heart wth one of her very special stumpwork creatures on it- I was lucky enough to receive a grasshopper - and he is wonderful!! I am also making a heart for her in return - But I forgot that Maureen is a lady who loves cream on cream and so I am going to patch some new hearts as soon as this lot are on their way, and I am not sure what to put on it- but hey thats normal - I pick up a needle and find a thread and thats how3 my embroidery grows- not very organised but it works for me!!
I am also making one for Rita B in the USA - Rita and I are new to each other so this one will be hopefully the start of a new friendship that will last many many years - Rita does beautiful stitching as well!!
There is also another heart on the go at the moment - and thats for my darling mate in Sale Victoria- dear dear Linda - who said in an throwaway line in one of her emails- that she would like one of mine so long as it was made of Silk ribbon embroidery - Lindas life is very full at the moment and I am hoping this surprise heart will help her to remember that there are folks out here in cyberland that love her heapsa!!! and we miss her soooooooooooo much!!
There is one more heart I would really love to have but I sent her an enmail and havent received a reply -but it was during the time when yahoo was ditching meoff the list daily and 2 x times daily and even more often so maybe Tone has not seen my request - Toni E - does the most amazing dragons hearts ever- I lubs dragons (and Pegasus, Unicorns, butterflies- BUT definately not never ever spiders!!) I hope I can get Toni to swap with me- I really would love to have one of her very very special dragon hearts!
well I guess this is enough for today - I hope I can learn how to put up photos on to my blog site soon so I will then be able to show my hearts that have been sent to me and the 0ones I have stitched and sent to their new homes.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Bears Embroidery Den -- Day 1 - 3rd April 2006
Hewoo there,
and a very big welcome to all who stray this way. This is my little space in the world where I can share and show what I have been up to along the way.......
The hardest thing about a blog - is starting it - where to start what to say, what to show I guess as someone once said - just start - haha well what to say--- I am retired - result of a car accident many long years ago. I was at that time a registered nurse and between full time work and studying part time at Uni (doing my post Basic degree and having been accepted to do my Critical Care Degree) and the mundane things in life we all do - ie housework - dirty word that one! Being a wife to my dear Colin my husband of 30 odd years) and a Mum to my 2 sons Kieron and Kirk, I didnt have a lot of time left over although I did aerobics - both land and water, weight lifting to tone up the muscles, walking the dog. reading and finding time to sleep - there wasnt many hours in my day to do anything else. Although I would generally have a wee bit of xstitch or tapestry on the go.
Then life changed and I had to adjust to a new way of living.
Suddenly I had more time on my hands much more, and suddenly I also had another companion - pain and lots of it. So then I had surgeries to go through and then physio to get the parts of the body moving again and then slowly came the realisation that life as I had known it was now changed and permanently. I would recover the use of my arm again - although there were restrictions, I would be able to bend again but again there are restrictions etc etc etc with the rest of the body. But what could I do to fill the hours in the day that yawned before me in a long and lonely way - Colin was at work as were the kids and the housework I hated I couldnt do anymore - little bits I managed but there were only so much that I could do - and I was either sitting lying down or walking a bit and what could I do - Colin and I went shopping and home came the pooter - oh what a saviour this has been- suddenly I was connected to the world again and there were people out there to talk to and then I found all about yahoo and the many groups - in between time I had also found magazines about this "new" ribbon embroidery - and I found that I could do this and it whiled away several hours - well there was still the sitting, standing and lying down - I could even do SRE while I was lying down . It proved to be good therapy for my hands as well.
So there I was- what to do - well I was doing some Silk Ribbon Embroidery and yahoo I had been told had these "groups" so I went and joined a group or two or three or many more - It was my salvation - finally I was connecting to people and talking to real people - okay they were in that box down on the floor BUT it was so much better then talking to myself all day GGGGG Then I was introduced to Crazy Quilting and many more friends were found and many more lists were joined and more skills have been added to my brain. Then I was making a cloth doll or two for our beloved granddaughter, wasnt brilliant coth dolls BUT Caitlin loved them - and I would make her some clothes for her dolls and we would play afternoon tea with her dolls and Nana and life was good. Different definately but it was better then it had been at the beginning of my recovery ......Of course along with making dolls I had joined several cloth doll lists when one day a friend Jacque - asked me to come and join her daughters cloth doll list - oh yes thought I - and so my journey is here at the moment - It is one of the best groupl of friends I have ever found. My skills have grown since that day in April 2004 when I had my life changed forever - I no longer race around at the speed of knots I am so much slower and I can see the butterflies and notice the flowers out displaying their beautiful blooms, I am also a member of Chain Of Hearts and Southerncrosscrazies and of course theres my beloved Doll list. I have made several very very dear friends and there are 3 or 4 I have very definately adopted as sisters which has been truely excellent - being an only child myself to find myself with sisters at this age in my life has been truely a blessed event - So Sherry and Darlene,and Kai (my twin) and Linda (F).ladies you are my salvation and thank you all very much for being more then a friend, thank you for being my sisters.Kai is also a beautiful woman and is also a Comanche Indian who truely is wonderful - she has given me my very own Comanche name - its' Weelah"- which means "little bear cub" - I am so happy to have this very special name from my birthday twin, and carry it proudly bless you Kai,. my dear burfday twinnie.
So to those who stray here thank you for looking- I hope you like what you see thats when I actually put up some piccies, I also hope to get the hang of blogging and especially how to add those piccies and I hope to have some fun on the blogspot of bears very ow2n.
lubs n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxoxo
and a very big welcome to all who stray this way. This is my little space in the world where I can share and show what I have been up to along the way.......
The hardest thing about a blog - is starting it - where to start what to say, what to show I guess as someone once said - just start - haha well what to say--- I am retired - result of a car accident many long years ago. I was at that time a registered nurse and between full time work and studying part time at Uni (doing my post Basic degree and having been accepted to do my Critical Care Degree) and the mundane things in life we all do - ie housework - dirty word that one! Being a wife to my dear Colin my husband of 30 odd years) and a Mum to my 2 sons Kieron and Kirk, I didnt have a lot of time left over although I did aerobics - both land and water, weight lifting to tone up the muscles, walking the dog. reading and finding time to sleep - there wasnt many hours in my day to do anything else. Although I would generally have a wee bit of xstitch or tapestry on the go.
Then life changed and I had to adjust to a new way of living.
Suddenly I had more time on my hands much more, and suddenly I also had another companion - pain and lots of it. So then I had surgeries to go through and then physio to get the parts of the body moving again and then slowly came the realisation that life as I had known it was now changed and permanently. I would recover the use of my arm again - although there were restrictions, I would be able to bend again but again there are restrictions etc etc etc with the rest of the body. But what could I do to fill the hours in the day that yawned before me in a long and lonely way - Colin was at work as were the kids and the housework I hated I couldnt do anymore - little bits I managed but there were only so much that I could do - and I was either sitting lying down or walking a bit and what could I do - Colin and I went shopping and home came the pooter - oh what a saviour this has been- suddenly I was connected to the world again and there were people out there to talk to and then I found all about yahoo and the many groups - in between time I had also found magazines about this "new" ribbon embroidery - and I found that I could do this and it whiled away several hours - well there was still the sitting, standing and lying down - I could even do SRE while I was lying down . It proved to be good therapy for my hands as well.
So there I was- what to do - well I was doing some Silk Ribbon Embroidery and yahoo I had been told had these "groups" so I went and joined a group or two or three or many more - It was my salvation - finally I was connecting to people and talking to real people - okay they were in that box down on the floor BUT it was so much better then talking to myself all day GGGGG Then I was introduced to Crazy Quilting and many more friends were found and many more lists were joined and more skills have been added to my brain. Then I was making a cloth doll or two for our beloved granddaughter, wasnt brilliant coth dolls BUT Caitlin loved them - and I would make her some clothes for her dolls and we would play afternoon tea with her dolls and Nana and life was good. Different definately but it was better then it had been at the beginning of my recovery ......Of course along with making dolls I had joined several cloth doll lists when one day a friend Jacque - asked me to come and join her daughters cloth doll list - oh yes thought I - and so my journey is here at the moment - It is one of the best groupl of friends I have ever found. My skills have grown since that day in April 2004 when I had my life changed forever - I no longer race around at the speed of knots I am so much slower and I can see the butterflies and notice the flowers out displaying their beautiful blooms, I am also a member of Chain Of Hearts and Southerncrosscrazies and of course theres my beloved Doll list. I have made several very very dear friends and there are 3 or 4 I have very definately adopted as sisters which has been truely excellent - being an only child myself to find myself with sisters at this age in my life has been truely a blessed event - So Sherry and Darlene,and Kai (my twin) and Linda (F).ladies you are my salvation and thank you all very much for being more then a friend, thank you for being my sisters.Kai is also a beautiful woman and is also a Comanche Indian who truely is wonderful - she has given me my very own Comanche name - its' Weelah"- which means "little bear cub" - I am so happy to have this very special name from my birthday twin, and carry it proudly bless you Kai,. my dear burfday twinnie.
So to those who stray here thank you for looking- I hope you like what you see thats when I actually put up some piccies, I also hope to get the hang of blogging and especially how to add those piccies and I hope to have some fun on the blogspot of bears very ow2n.
lubs n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxoxo
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