Well I have blown the one and only resolution this past New Years Eve- which was to be kinder to my blog and try and do at least a weekly summery of my week or month it seems.
South Australia is in the middle of a heat wave and although I live in a suburb of Adelaide we live in the plains and its temperatures are well believeing whoever between 3 and 5 degrees hotter in summer and likewise in winter. For those who dont understand it when I mention our temps have been up in the high 40 degrees in fact one day was 49.5 and you are thinking thats cold sorry wrong side of the world- we practice talking in Celsius when doing Temps for weather etc So 49.5 is in fact Horridly hot and in Farenheit is 120 and a wee bit. Hot and yes as the crow flie we live 30 kilos from Adeliade (it takes much longer these days with all the new housing going up out this way and where I could get into town in the 30 minutes now it takes more like the 45 -60 minutes. Oh the price of modernisation and seeing all those wheat paddocks that once had wheat growing or sheep grazing now its homes and more homes and less land available for the former. Theres a new settlement about to open up on some of the last farming areas on the Main North Road to Gawler. There is some but I wonder for how much more time before thats all built up as well> Pity everyone has worked out that this is a great state to live in and living North of the city is great.
well thats it for tonight- I WILL write more tomorrow I hope! I have lots to show and tell be good to each other and sleep well or enjoy your day at work or play
love n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxox
You have sure has a brutal summer. I hope you get some cooler temps soon!
Oh dear I wish I could send some of our ice to cool things down a bit at your end. Well keep cool with lots of water and take it easy. 49 is very hot. I wouldn't want that kind of heat. Don't mind winter even though I moan about it but at least one can put layers on to keep warm but with heat how much can you take off?
Oh Bear, that's Las Vegas in the summer temperatures! It's higher actually. When I lived there it got that hot in the southern part of Vegas but we were north - only 116. :)
Stay cool! Cherie
Dear Bear,very worried about you. Hope you are safe from the fires.
Hello Bear! Come back to my blog so you can claim your button prize! I need you to email me your address so I can send you some buttons! Susan
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